Improved gut health
Improved feed efficiency
Improved appetite
Improved disease resistance
Improved energy and vigor
Improved weaning weights
Improved fertility and breedback
Increased milk production
Improved skin and hoof integrity
Promotes feed intake
Reduced somatic cell count in milk
Reduced stress (caused by fescue fungus, foot rot, shipping fever, etc.)
Used to treat scours and bloat in dairy and beef calves
Improved gut health
Improved feed conversion
Improved disease resistance
Improved energy and vigor
Improved skin, paw and leg integrity
Decreased skin scratches and cellulitis
Improved egg shell quality
Improved hatchability
Improved chick quality
Improved gut health
Improved feed efficiency
Improved disease resistance
Improved energy and vigor
Improved appetite
Improved fertility and breedback
Improved coat and mane
Reduced joint and hoof inflammation
Reduced stress
Dilute ½ rate of Nutri-Zyme® with ½ rate of water and mist on feed
Daily dose: Mix 16 oz. of Nutri-Zyme® into 5 gallons of water and set medicator to 1 oz./gallon (1:128). (Note: It may take several days to to consume first 5 gallons of stock solution since water consumption is at its lowest level.)
Important: Clean water lines every 7 days