By improving the availability and uptake of applied fertilizers, FoliarBlend® helps “get what you’re paying for” out of the soil and into the plant. Through The Plant- Designed for rapid absorption through the leaf's surface, FoliarBlend® boosts growth and plant health much like a multivitamin supports human health. Timely FoliarBlend® applications during key vegetative and reproductive stages of crop development will increase nutrient uptake and strengthen the plant’s natural defense system, helping to protect against adverse weather conditions, disease, insect pressure, and imbalanced plant nutrition - resulting in higher yields and crop quality.

  • FoliarBlend® may be mixed with most herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and liquid fertilizers. When mixing FoliarBlend® with other chemistries, always do a jar test to ensure compatibility.
  • At 1-2 pints per acre, FoliarBlend® can be applied through standard ground or aerial application equipment, and through standard irrigation or fertigation systems.
  • 5 Gallon Cases
  • 55 Gallon Drums
  • 275 Gallon Mini-Totes
